Fire Sprinkler International 2020 is the premier event in the sprinkler calendar and the largest conference in Europe dedicated to water-based fire protection.
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Fire Sprinkler International 2020 is the premier event in the sprinkler calendar and the largest conference in Europe dedicated to water-based fire protection.
Building on the success of our conference in Stockholm in 2018, attended by 330 delegates, the theme for 2020 will be “Protecting society from fire”. Under that theme and bearing in mind the Grenfell Tower and Notre Dame disasters, an extensive programme with 50 speakers will explore the latest thinking in how to protect people and buildings from the threat of fire.
Held in the RAI Amsterdam, there will be a large, supporting exhibition and a social event on 6th May. Fire Sprinkler International 2020 is hosted by the European Fire Sprinkler Network, in cooperation with, part of Federatie Veilig Nederland.